Yesterday was my Viking's birthday. Like me, he shares a birthday with one of his parents so it was also Grandpa John's bday. We kept it very low-key as I prepared for Stomp's birthday today. Usually I do a birthday dinner and a cake for both boys. This year, being so pregnant, I was lucky I got anything done for anyone. Lucky for me, The Viking just thinks it's pretty cool I'm making another of his babies, so he didn't care what we did! So we had to go food and he'll have some of the leftover cupcakes from Nathan's school party! I'm so thankful for the day my Viking was born. All the things that I treasure in my life are a direct result of being Mrs. The Viking.
Today is Nathan's birthday. I can't believe it was 7 years ago I was in a hospital room in Albuquerque having a c-section and bringing this sweet child into the world. Having that boy brought to realization all of my hopes and dreams to be a housewife and be the very best Mama I could be. Today as I carried cupcakes into his classroom, he was stopped by many friends and teachers wishing him a Happy Birthday. It made me smile down deep in my soul to realize how well-liked he is and how this is a direct result of his warm, loving and kind personality. Tonight we'll have spaghetti for supper and more cupcakes. The big shindig, of course, is planned for this weekend when we will be having a dinosaur party.
Happy birthday to BOTH my boys! I love you both so much, thank you for making me a complete woman!
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